案名: 动静之间
座落地点: 中坜
空间坪数: 8平方米
空间格局: 工作空间
主要建材: FRP、雷射切割木芯板、废弃角料、黑铁、强化补土、钢琴烤漆
(1) 形态性(Typology):在形态上和尺寸上,我们企图回应中国人一直以来对于「坐具」的思维。深浅渐变的座椅深度,提供使用者或坐或卧的需求。
(2) 艺术性(Artistry):「动静之间」除了满足坐卧的基本机能外,不使用时还是空间裡的大型艺术品,动态流动的线条中还带予一丝佛学的气息。
(3) 数位性(Digitality):透过电脑辅助设计系统及参数化流程,将抽象设计转化为现实,并在制程上做到精準模矩化,有效降低成本及缩短工期。
Between motion and tranquility
This project is a private guest house. The owner is very fond of the Chinese calligraphy which is considered the most significant and elegant cultural art in China. Hence, our take on the nature of calligraphy, which is “motion”, and its fluid style, are epitomised in the space as well as the 3D furniture in an attempt to create a harmonious atmosphere that flows between motion and tranquility. We expect that the owner and his guests can appreciate the artwork and design when doing meditation or pondering something over in the guest house.
The concept of design involves three attitudes:
1. Typology: This project echoes to the characteristic of traditional Chinese chairs in typology as well as satisfies the demand of either sitting or lying through our adjustments of chair dimension and size.
2. Artistry: In addition to the function, with Zen atmosphere in it, it is also an artwork or nice décor in the space.
3. Digitality: By means of CAD/CAM and advanced parametric design process, we are able to turn abstract design into real piece and lower the construction cost and time with precise modular production method.