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2012北京国际设计周 7080故事设计邀请展

来源:搜狐家居 时间:2012-09-26 11:26:30 [报告错误]  [收藏]  [打印]

核心提示:“7080故事设计邀请展” 是+86设计博物馆举办的原创设计展。展览以当代的视角,审视7080两代人的生活,意图突破产品设计没有意识形态的樊篱,通过产品设计表达当代人的体验和批判。这个展览让我们共同找回属于自己的生活故事。

  “7080 Story” Design Exhibition is a Chinese original design exhibition organized by +86 Design Museum. It is a re-examination of people born in 70s and 80s, their life experience and how to reflect it in product design. We expect to wake up visitors’ memories about their own life stories with the exhibition. During Beijing Design Week, works from renowned Chinese designers including David Jia, Liu Feng, Li Jianlin, Nan Lin, Angs Primary Design School, Wang Hao, Wang Yang, Wu Wei, Xie Dong, Xie Yong, Ye Yuxuan etc. The exhibition is curated by Chi Wei.

  It is also Beijing Design Week’s goal to seek business opportunities for design industry and make it a core productive element of all industries. +86 is the first design store in China that feature designer products. Under the brand are a 380sm store and a 500sm museum dedicated to contemporary Chinese design, selling and showcasing designer products, as well as gathering design resources in China.

 2012北京国际设计周 7080故事设计邀请展

2012北京国际设计周 7080故事设计邀请展

 2012北京国际设计周 7080故事设计邀请展

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