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来源:中装新网 时间:2023-07-21 10:19:50 [报告错误]  [收藏]  [打印]




With the rise of women's independence in the new era, words such as “ease and confidence”, “undefined” and “live sparkling” are increasingly emphasized in the process of self-pursuit. Besides, the she economy with self-pleasing as its demand has all the more contributed to the rapid rise of the beauty industry. As a renowned beauty brand founded in Shenzhen, HBbeauty strives to give women a beautiful life and a natural, healthy and inner pleasure. It’s third 1,000 sq.m. flagship store is designed by MOSOM DESIGN.


As a leading design firm in the pan-beauty sector, MOSOM DESIGN, with its keen insight, works to unlock the market demands through its “new aesthetic power”. By integrating scene design into the business operation mode, it attempts to dig out the space’s emotional appeal to customers. On the other hand, it supports the sustainable growth of business value via the traffic of scene interaction.


- 项目视频 -

在其受邀担纲的赫本秀HBbeauty一案中,设计便很好地将这两点平衡 —— 沉浸式的共鸣体验与可持续的商业穿透力。“品牌与空间相辅相成。在此,空间某种意义上以建筑解构、光影塑造、空间材质、陈列规划等形式开启了体验的张力及节奏。沿着这些精心布局的'线索',我们力图营造的是一场共享之旅,以及从情绪价值的赋予至不销而销的潜在效果。”MOSOM墨森设计诠释道。

In HBbeauty, a great balance has been achieved between an immersive resonance experience and the sustainable business impact. “The Brand and the space complement each other. Here, the space has radiated its tension and rhythm through architectural deconstruction, light and shadow shaping, spatial materials, display and layout. With these exquisitely crafted details, we aim to create a shared journey and achieve a potential effect from emotional value to sales without advertising”, says MOSOM DESIGN.


How to evoke the lasting appeal of customers in an immersive experience is the key point MOSOM DESIGN strives to achieve in this case. “Beyond aesthetics, it is the multifaceted elegance and deep emotional memory consumers perceive in the space that create a lasting experience over time.”

▲ 朗香教堂


▲ 赫本秀


Therefore, the designers draw inspiration from the La Chapelle de Ronchamp by Le Corbusier to create the field’s ambience. The unique architectural form, with its irregular walls and hole cutting, breaks with the conventional flat and linear blocks, encouraging people to explore the space.

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