JR设计作品:上饶铂尔曼广丰酒店 - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
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JR設計集團成立於澳洲,立足於香港,服務於全球,是新加坡上市公司的一級企業,專業提供高星級酒店及高檔商業、城市規劃,綜合體,高檔建築,文旅的規劃、建築、室內, 環境、專案全過程管理等多專業多學科的“一站式”全方位設計服務,現已成為世界酒店設計行業最強的專業研究型公司,在世界各地設計完成過多項標誌性經典作品,被香港和澳洲政府指定為政府規劃顧問機構,。到目前為止,已經獲得了近 400 個優秀設計獎項。世界十大設計公司之一。

JR Design Consultant Co., Ltd(HK) founded in Australia, based on Hong Kong and providesworld-wide service as the secondary venture in Hong Kong Yangtze Enterprise, it the first enterprise of public company in Singapore.Specializing in providing multi-major, multi-science and comprehensive design service for star-level hotel, high-end commercial, office building,complex,luxury building planning, management which includes construction, interior and environment and project, and JR has become the best professional research company with lots of land-marking and classic master pieces all over the world, and has been designated as the governmental planning consultant organization by Hong Kong and Australian governments. So far, JR has achieved as many as 400 excellent design awards and has established its continental branch .One of the world's top ten design companies。


With its advanced design concept, rich design experience and good occupational ethics, JR has become the pilot in hotel design industry at home and abroad, in addition, its characterized design skills have been acknowledged in the whole industry, and enjoying a good reputation as a field leader. In pursuit of brand effect, JR is always trying to set up its own characteristics and keep normalized operations among greatly increasing design competitors, and is the 1st oversea hotel design company which has been recommended by continental government. Our design team is composed of lots of world-famous and professional registered interior designers,registration planners, architectures, structure engineers, engineers, engineering consultant, display engineers and lighting engineers. We’re trying to lead hotel building and interior design to be normalized, professionalized and globalized.

公司秉承“設計在於細節,設計在於服務, 設計在於創新”的原則,力求在每一個細部都做精心的設計,每一個專案提供高標準的盡善盡美的服務。我們的目的就是要讓設計給城市添彩,有利於經營,儘量的減少業主前期投入、增加經營的效益。

Focusing on “details, service and novelty ”,we’re trying to be exquisite in every detail and provide high-standard and best service for every project. We aim to bring more brilliance, to reduce estate owners’ preliminary investment and make more business profits.

公司目前的作品遍佈海內外,受到了各政府,業主和行業內的好評和認可。並與多家國際酒店管理公司和世界著名設計公司合作,力求設計更完美更實用。部分設計師曾參與或主持設計迪拜世紀塔、香港維多利亞會展中心、上海音樂廳、南非皇宮酒店、美國夏威夷麗茲卡爾頓酒店、德國漢堡洲際酒店、巴厘島喜來登度假酒店、香港文華酒店、香港半島酒店、香港北角海逸酒店、澳門葡京、文華酒店、廣州白天鵝賓館、曼谷東方文華酒店,澳门威斯斯人酒店等世界著名建築的設計。設計公司將根據業主的每一筆投資打造精品,世界各種不同風格的設計是公司最突出的資源。選擇我 們,我們就將為您量體裁衣!

At present, our works not only could be found at home and abroad but also be acknowledged by many estate owners and trade followers. In addition, we cooperate with lots of international hotel investment enterprises and world-known design companies to make our design more perfect and more practical. Some of our designers have ever  held  or been engaged in designing Dubai Century Tower, Hong Kong Victoria Exhibition Centre, Egypt National Opera, China Olympic Centre, Yangtze Airport and Sanya Airport, ShangHai Concert Hall, South African Palace Hotel, Hawaii Carlton Hotel, Germany Hamburg Interstate Hotel, Bali Island Sheraton Holiday Inn, Hong Kong Chinese Culture Hotel, HongKong Peninsula Hotel, Macao Portage, China Culture Hotel, GuangZhou White Swan Hotel, Bangkok Oriental Culture Hotel and other world-known hotels. We’d like to design the exquisite based on every investment from estate owners and various design styles in the world are our special resources. Just choose JR and we will make your concept come true.


Raymond Chueng (HONGKONG)

規劃與設計專業博士研究生, 大學教授,博導,美國註冊建築師,國際著名建築,規劃師,從事專業設計及教學研究三十餘年,世界華人智库30強,世界酒店設計宣導者,政府規劃顧問和智庫專家,中國星評規範及養生養老規範起草人及專家評委,建築學院院長.灣區規劃委副主委,2021年度中国科协一等奖获得者,JR設計集團首席主持總建築師顧問.


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