由里室內裝修設計工程有限公司作品|蒙娜麗莎的獨白Mona Lisa's Monologue - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
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由里室內裝修設計工程有限公司作品|蒙娜麗莎的獨白Mona Lisa's Monologue

来源:中装新网时间:2023-02-20 14:27:48 评论 分享


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项目名称:蒙娜麗莎的獨白Mona Lisa's Monologue






蒙娜麗莎的獨白 Mona Lisa's Monologue



Entering the bright and airy atmosphere of this space is as if one is walking into an art gallery. The artworks seem to be looking at the visitors as the visitors look back at them in appreciation.  Moving through the interior flow, one hears conversations everywhere in the spacious public area, from the lustrous, transparent dining table to the Mona Lisa on the TV cabinet in the living room. When the sliding doors of the cabinet is pulled open, an afterimage of flying birds elicits evocative dialogue.


The entrance faces a crystal-like banquet table. Behind the table is the designer's self-portrait. The pull of the self-portrait painting without eyes unleashes boundless imagination, and this abstraction reflects how when the designer's eyes are closed, there are dreams of stimulating the viewer's imagination. Incorporated into the view of the entire public domain, a large mirror wall beside the table expands the sense of space. At the opposite end of the mirror is a seascape and landscape view of the outside, through the symmetrical, floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room.


Above the crystal-like dining table, there is an eye-catching chandelier that has a playful profusion of glass balls looking like many stacked soap bubbles. When turned on, the chandelier becomes even more dazzling. It is childlike while being a functional piece of crystal-clear artwork. Under the table, chess pieces move silently, positioning and transforming themselves into table legs. It is based on the living chess in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, with one dream trip awaiting another adventure.


The living room is cleanly divided by sofa sets of the same color but different shapes. The TV cabinet with an image of Mona Lisa becomes a self-installation art. In front of the floor-to-ceiling balcony window, there is a platform as an area for piano performances. When the window is opened, the circulation and openness of the enlarged space amplify the sound of the piano.


The overall design concept is to transform a residence into a self-evident home gallery with the perspective of a curator. This project is expected to become a symbol of progress in the trend of fine contemporary art, as it identifies that the unnecessary decorations of the space will be replaced by the aesthetics of light furnishings. The subtraction of unnecessary decoration implements environmental protection and energy saving in the concept of the space. It also reflects that people can constantly break their existing indoor routines in life and transform the space into movable and remodelable decorative art, inviting the healing interaction between people and works of art.


The overall field visually maintains the open and bright nature of the space and highlights that tone in its volume. The large area is immersed in a white theme, creating a focus on the key presence of artworks and soft furnishings. The area is not clearly defined, and the furniture installation achieves the intentional division of sections. In order to keep the vision of the space straight and open, the corner is planned to be a storage room to eliminate the need for scattered and unnecessary cabinets and drawers that would otherwise become visual blocks to space integrity.


In this project, furniture is lifelike, and the soft furnishings represent the soul of the vivid objects. The rules of consistent decoration can be broken, and the styles of decoration can be reorganized at any time, thus achieving the galloping and tension of space creativity while touching people's emotions.


主設計師 _ FU,CHIUNG-HUI 傅瓊慧 6mb.jpg

傅瓊慧 由里室內裝修設計工程有限公司 設計總監

傅瓊慧 fu,chiung-hui






北京清大環藝軟裝研究所 軟裝陳設講師




2021 創立 禾里建築開發有限公司

   創立 台中由里室內設計

2005 創立 台南由里室內設計

1995 創立 台南大勻室內設計

1993 台北沃荷室內設計





Muse Design Award 住宅空間類 鉑金獎


第三屆CID設計大賽 軟裝設計 銀獎 / 商業空間 銅獎

Achitecture MasterPrize商業空間類 Winner

APDC餐飲空間類 大獎 佳作獎

iF 住宅空間類 Finalist

義大利 A'design award 商業空間類 銀獎


法 國 MAISON&OBJET Design Award室內設計-居住空間類 銅獎

全球華人傑出設計金創獎 商業空間類 金獎

全球華人傑出設計金創獎 陳設軟裝類 金獎

金點設計獎Golden Pin Design Award

台灣室內設計大獎 TID獎


Interior Design 百大優秀室內建築師 

German Design Award Special Mention獎

2018-2019地產設計大獎 室內設計類 

艾特獎 一銀二優秀

iF 設計大獎 辦公室設計

她設計獎 空間類 雙項獎

Hers Design Award 年度優秀空間設計

地產設計大獎 年度優秀室內設計-居住室內 優秀獎



Spark Design Awards 商業空間類  銀獎

A' Design Award 雙金獎

K Design Award Gold Award 一金一優秀

華人金創獎 酒店旅館類 金獎

華人金創獎 工作空間類 銀獎

室內設計雜誌中文版 封面人物

金點設計獎 標章得主

紅棉中國設計獎 辦公室類 

第十三屆 金外灘獎 酒店設計類 最佳獎

第十三屆 金外灘獎 辦公空間類 優秀獎 

SBID Awards 住宅設計

SBID Awards 辦公室設計


金堂獎 年度最佳酒店空間設計作品 

金堂獎 年度優秀樣板間/售樓處設計作品   

SIDA  旅店設計 銀獎 

SIDA  辦公空間 銅獎 

第七屆 金創獎 商業空間類 銅獎 

第七屆 ADA亞洲設計獎 零售空間組 創意設計獎

第七屆 ADA亞洲設計獎 辦公空間組 傑出設計獎

Good Design Award 商業及公共空間類 入圍


好宅配大金設計大賞 公共空間組 金獎


協同設計師 _ LEE, KEN 李肯 6mb.jpg

李肯 由里室內裝修設計工程有限公司 設計師

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