合瑪設計工程有限公司作品- 弧之實境 FIELD REALITY - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
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合瑪設計工程有限公司作品- 弧之實境 FIELD REALITY

来源:中装新网时间:2023-02-20 11:36:21 评论 分享


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项目名称:Field Reality







【合瑪設計辦公室 - 弧之實境 Field Reality


To orient the office with a focus on function, various complex features are combined in the large open field. In a roundabout manner, the first floor of the office provides places for leisure as well as for commercial displays, integrating office functions while achieving a layout that reflects the image of this interior design company.


This interior design company is located in Qingpu, Taoyuan, Taiwan, a settlement area for the business elite that is near the high-speed railway and the country's gate. The design manager is familiar with local properties and has built close, long-term relationships with the local construction contractors, so he understands what local customers prefer in a design. Because the space is modeled with a residential feel, potential residents can envision their future lives here.


The retreat at the entrance cleverly demarcates indoor from outdoor. Inside, a semicircle arc wall presents an appropriate amount of tension with the low color tone of Morandi gray-green. This wall partitions the conference table and the movement line to reduce the visual interruption during meetings, and to create the aesthetic of layering, the two sides of the wall are hand-painted in different colors. Colors can be changed easily in the future to enhance the liveliness of the interior.


The rectangular light belt is superimposed on the main wall, its brilliance contrasting with the wall’s dark blue paint. While maintaining the facade's visual consistency, the matte rear sliding door's subtle protrusion hides the clutter in the kitchen. The cabinet in the dining area displays exquisite hardware handles for customers to browse through and select easily. On a small arched opening on the left side of the storage cabinet, a vertical chute is built so that a drawing scroll can be quickly dropped from the second-floor office to expedite presentations on the first floor, and how function is woven into the design in this way proves an ingenuity.


The technique of combining various elements stimulates one’s vision and strengthens the brand's spirit. Contrasting with heterogenous materials, the different textures echo one another, simplifying the customers' decision process. The display at the end of the scene is like an invisible medium, which encourages customers to imagine the space in different ways. Through this functional creation, the customers’ aesthetic preferences can be discovered and thus a design milestone is defined.


張彥騰 CEO.jpg

張彥騰CHANG YEN TENG 合瑪設計工程有限公司设计总监


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