佛山著名设计师黄冠之丨草木茶舍 - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
设计 > 设计作品 > 佛山著名设计师黄冠之丨草木茶舍


来源:中装新网时间:2017-10-18 14:19:32 评论 分享


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  项目地址: 佛山市南海区天安数码城4期108室

  设计单位: HSD.(佛山)黄氏设计师事务所

  设计主创: 黄冠之

  设计团队: 黄冠之 黎啟康 梁永祥 何素芝

  设计时间: 2017.3

  开放时间: 2017.8

  项目面积: 320平

  主要材料: 唐家古建灰砖及瓦、干竹、石头、树木、水泥油


  摄影: 野猫



  Vegetation tea-house

  The spirit of the place symbolizes the vivid ecological relationship between a person and a particular space. People obtain from the site and add a variety of humanistic characteristics to the site. No matter the grand or barren landscape, without the love, labor and art endowed to man, it cannot reveal all the potential riches.

  The designer tries to create a space of tea culture with a sense of life and a poetic flavor of life by combining the original material with a different power sense and simplicity. The main characteristic of the shop is the 93-meter-high and earthy cement wall. The reinforced concrete technology with bamboo rod is adopted to design the whole structure from the layout to the interior. With common bamboo, brick, tile, stone, tree and cement build space to surround close at the same time build a plain and day ChanJing aura, however, created to reception, tea, product display, viewing, party, performance, training, reading, painting and calligraphy, listen to music and so on rich function space. Through the corridor, the round arch, the window cave and the ladder the clever layout lets the person walk in the suzhou garden like the garden, the other is constantly, the move changes the scene. Furniture, lamps and lanterns, reeds, tea sets, ceramics, hanging decorations, etc. are the most suitable companions for space. People, space , material and objects have achieved the best state, and the four naturally produce chemical reactions -- the tea space aesthetics and zen field spirit that the designers strive to express.

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