真实遊戏 Reality Fun—— 趣加 Funplus移动社交游戏公司总部办公室 - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
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真实遊戏 Reality Fun—— 趣加 Funplus移动社交游戏公司总部办公室

来源:中装新网作者:何大为时间:2016-10-10 13:42:09 评论 分享


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  ‘真实遊戏 Reality Fun’- 趣加 Funplus移动社交游戏公司总部办公室


  FunPlus 趣加 是一个移动社交游戏公司,为全世界玩家制造欢乐的移动与社交游戏公司提供玩家第一的乐趣。FunPlus趣加成立于2010年,拥有员工超过400人,这家公司在社交游戏和手机游戏领域却是名副其实的海外霸主。它在硅谷创立,首先打入欧洲市场. FunPlus目前是Facebook上排名前6的游戏开发商,在手机游戏方面也在欧洲处于领先位置,在中东地区一直排名第一。从2011年起,保持了每年收入翻倍的惊人增长率。其制作的游戏在多个平台发布和运营。该公司的招牌游戏,“家庭农场Family Farm”,每一天超过600万玩家。总部设在中国北京,并在旧金山,加州和加拿大温哥华设有办事处。

  主笔设计师何大为David Ho的主要想法是让趣加自己的虚拟游戏变成办公室现实。在其办公室的每一个角落,总有用不同的FunPlus游戏來装饰墙壁,地板和天花。因此看起来更像成人游乐场而不是一个工作的地方,也希望这给员工更有创意的办公室。

  当进入主大门,一个巨大的发光FunPlus logo像在欢迎你打招呼,穿过logo,一个贴满了其最流行的游戏- 家庭农场接待前台。一个形状像超大卡通化的公司标识会议等候室出现在前台的左手边。

  这样的设计概念也是鼓励员工时常从客户的角度看事情,充满了轻松舒适的座椅和沙发提供给员工。它的设计就像家庭农场1:1 的实景,其中有一个美丽的红色木谷仓房作为一个聊天小屋,两个手推车充满绿意突出农家的感觉。小型会议有不同顏色墙壁。还有一个“oxygen corner 氧吧”具有天然植物和木质地板,秋千椅子供員工充分放松的享受“新鲜空气”


  项目名称:‘真实遊戏 Reality Fun’- 趣加 Funplus移动社交游戏公司总部办公室


  项目面积:約2500 平米

  设计公司:David Ho Design Studio大为建筑设计(北京)有限公司

  主案设计:David Ho 何大为



  Reality Fun- FunPlus, a mobile social gaming company HQ office

  FunPlus is a mobile social gaming company that puts fun first for players worldwide. The company’s signature game, ‘Family Farm’, is enjoyed by over 6 million players each day and growing. Founded in 2010, FunPlus employs over 400 people and is headquartered in Beijing, China, with offices in San Francisco, CA, and Vancouver, Canada. By focusing its market in Europe and the Middle East, it is currently number six in Facebook’s gaming list, and number one in China。

  Designer David’s main idea is to make its virtual games into a reality, where Funplus’ employees can work and have fun in. In every corner of its office, there is always a different FunPlus game which decorates its walls, floors and ceilings. So to match this creative tech industries’ feeling, David is ploughing energy into designing offices that look more like adult playgrounds than a place of work, in the hope that it will make their employees more creative.

  When entering the main door, a giant glowing FunPlus logo will greet you as you walk through its creative studio. Once you enter, there is a reception desk that is plastered with its most popular game, Family Farm. A walk-in meeting/waiting room shaped like an oversized company logo is on the left hand side of the reception desk.

  The office also encourages employees to think like its customers, so a relaxing pantry is filled with comfortable seats and sofas for its employees. It is designed just like its game, Family Farm, which has an exact replica of a beautiful red wooden barn house. The barn serves as a chatting hub and two wheelbarrows filled with greenery accentuate the farmyard feeling. Small meetings can be held in small, cubicle-like meeting rooms with colored-in walls. There is also an ‘oxygen corner’ featuring natural plants and a timber floor, with a swing chair for people to fully relax amidst the “fresh air”

  Moreover, hot air balloon seats and tree house seats are built in order to give the impression of a fun and playfulness environment. The client and David both believe that creativity is a vital part which will help spark conversations, collaboration, and encourage people to be playful and crucially generate great ideas. It will also impress the client’s clients and help them with talent retention and recruitment.

  Name of the project: Reality Fun- FunPlus, a mobile social gaming company HQ office

  Location of the project: Beijing, China

  Name of designer office: David Ho Design Studio

  Name of the description writer: Tiffany Ho

  Link of designer office website: www.davidho.cn

  Name of the photographer: Fu Zheng Wei

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