DDG多元共生设计事务所作品:汤峪温泉月亮湾旅游度假酒店设计 - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
设计 > 设计作品 > DDG多元共生设计事务所作品:汤峪温泉月亮湾旅游度假酒店设计


来源:中装新网作者:DDG多元共生设计事务所时间:2015-04-01 10:08:30 评论 分享


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  • DDG多元共生设计事务所作品:汤峪温泉月亮湾旅游度假酒店设计
  • DDG多元共生设计事务所作品:汤峪温泉月亮湾旅游度假酒店设计
  • DDG多元共生设计事务所作品:汤峪温泉月亮湾旅游度假酒店设计
  • DDG多元共生设计事务所作品:汤峪温泉月亮湾旅游度假酒店设计
  • DDG多元共生设计事务所作品:汤峪温泉月亮湾旅游度假酒店设计
  • DDG多元共生设计事务所作品:汤峪温泉月亮湾旅游度假酒店设计
  • DDG多元共生设计事务所作品:汤峪温泉月亮湾旅游度假酒店设计
  • DDG多元共生设计事务所作品:汤峪温泉月亮湾旅游度假酒店设计
  • DDG多元共生设计事务所作品:汤峪温泉月亮湾旅游度假酒店设计
  • DDG多元共生设计事务所作品:汤峪温泉月亮湾旅游度假酒店设计
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  【设计机构】: DDG多元共生设计事务所



    "Design thinking" : the project is our research project for hot spring resort hotel. We are under the structure of the Chinese architecture form outstanding architectural interior space of the traditional and contemporary. Looking for from the architectural and artistic tradition and contemporary, from cultural fragments of the history of capture and pick up the meaning of this project. From the perspective of aesthetics to strategic design problems. In form of the project we were trying to distort the design gimmick, use of natural materials such as stainless steel and stone wood in stark contrast to attract viewers eye, with different material inner spiritual strength, create a space of inner strength. Cultural symbiosis thinking and our DDG team has been adhering to the design elements, at the same time of reflections on traditional culture, the evolution of restructuring, blend in contemporary interpretation of Chinese traditional art elements, improve the whole quality of space. This is our for the new exploration of urbanization resort hotel, we advocate the artistic quality of the space, to satisfy the premise of the function, change people's traditional way of life and the traditional understanding of hotel, hotel whole new concepts and artistic quality. It embodied by or in the future, or nostalgia, or the moment, will bring us a new feeling. We hope that this design project is completed, can resort to provide a reference for the future urbanization of template, and guide the development trend of future urbanization resort hotel.

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