千寻软装丨成都万华麓湖生态城C2-2样板房A户型 - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
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来源:中装新网时间:2017-09-18 16:18:35 评论 分享


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  成都万华 C2-2 A户型:一方禅素之境




  Project name: ChengduWanhuaLuxelakes Eco-City C2-2 Showroom A Units

  Decoration designer : LI Jianmei

  Soft furnishings display: Shenzhen Qianxun Design Co., Ltd. (www.qianxunhomesz.com)

  Project location: Tianfu New District, Chengdu, China

  Unit area:160㎡ (Unit A)

  Completion time: 2017.4

  ChengduWanhua C2-2A Unit: A Land of Simple Zen

  Through a partition made of wooden vertical bars, interior view of the house is partly seen, where black, white and gray as the main colors are in match with wood-based spatial decoration, bringing out a wonderland filled with Zen temperament. Low-saturation colors help to create a softer atmosphere, and wooden material, which becomes even more pure and elegant as time goes by, adding cozy warmth with its thin and continuous texture.

  The design approach abandons complicated appearance or ever-changing trend but pursues essential minimalism, illustrating plain nature of condensed life, implying inward fulfillment of Chinese design. Spatial structure and proportion are carefully considered, usage of neat lines and natural materials such as stone and wood perfectly showing the beauty of sight intertwining and interlacing. Benefited from its natural surroundings of waters and mountains, the residential space build a people-oriented lifestyle supplemented with harmonious environment, through simple yet elegant furniture system and reasonable distinction of functional areas.

  As a visual focus, chandeliers in living and dining rooms showcase curved outlines, complementing with relatively flat and tough spatial background. Actually, it is a tribute to ancient Chinese philosophy of “square earth and spherical heaven”. Containers, vases, mirrors and other daily life objects, are also given an air of poetic aesthetics, while elegant tea white, steady ocher and deep indigo enable you to feel the mood of traditional Chinese literati who are longing for recluse life among natural landscapes. 

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