亿端设计徐旭俊:朴灶餐厅 扑拙之心灶烹美味 - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
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亿端设计徐旭俊:朴灶餐厅 扑拙之心灶烹美味

来源:中装新网作者:徐旭俊时间:2016-11-23 09:44:19 评论 分享


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  Pu Zao Restaurant

  Chief Designer: Xu Xu-Jun

  Design Team: Xu Xu-Wei, Chang Tao, Zhang Qiang-Long

  Design Company: Yiduan Shanghai Interior Design (www.yd-d.net)

  Location: 4F, Tongde Plaza, Kunming, Yunnan, China

  Area: 550 sqm

  Completion Time: 2016.10

  Photographer: Xu Xu-Jun

  In this project the designer looks at how to break through stereotypes of design under background of secular fashion deluge. The design is inspired by the concept of “water”- the main line of this project which is found by chance. Diet is the source of life, and diet could not exist without water. Water makes people associate with boat, and eating on boat is a lovely thing. This is how the story born from the concept of water begins. The whole restaurant combines with landscape of local terrace cropping to create a primitive and plain feeling. Entering the door a huge pot and stove is unfolded in front of visitors; it highlights the theme while giving people an entertaining feeling. A few boats look like drifting leisurely on the waterway of Jiangnan, and staggered-floor is added to both shores, these makes the waterway looks like natural water surface. The space planning is interesting, full of changes and well-arranged. Eating on the staggered-floor and overlooking the boats on the water surface makes people think of Jiangnan water towns. A space with great contrast of romantic feeling and primitive simplicity is created. The huge boat on the top and mud wall terraced fields on both shores, together with natural scenes such as the elevated dining area on mountain cableways, rough granite handrail and etc., all reflects and fits the theme perfectly—cook delicious food with a simple and sincere heart.

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