新冶组陈武:厦门路易国际 许你无数个奇思妙想的夜晚 - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
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新冶组陈武:厦门路易国际 许你无数个奇思妙想的夜晚

来源:中装新网时间:2015-11-11 13:29:10 评论 分享


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  总投资: 2000w

  地址:厦门 湖滨南路471号

  物料:银白龙 大花白 斑马石(仿古面) 亚马逊(仿古面) 咖啡雨林 镜面镀古铜色(不锈钢) 打砂镀古铜色 金属帘 镜面镀黑钛金 波纹板 镜面镀香槟金 锈铜板 古铜色氟碳漆 肌理漆 蓝镜 灰镜 橡木饰面板 实木 反射玻璃膜 银箔(黑底) 户外木地板

  路易国际坐落于厦门市思明区,地处厦门中心城酒吧一条街集合地。耗资5000万打造超五星级的城市娱乐中心。 “厦门·路易国际”品牌创立于2009年,历经7年品牌沉淀,目前已成为拥有数十家实体门店,集聚千名娱乐业精英的高端娱乐连锁品牌。





  Chief Designer: Chen Wu

  Designers: Lin Yachun, Wu Jiahuang, Fang Heng

  Completion Time: 03/07/2015

  Gross Area: 1200㎡

  Total Investment: ¥20,000,000

  Project Address: No. 471, Hubin South Road, Xiamen

  Main materials: zebra stone, stainless steel, sandblasting, metal curtains, mirror with titanium black, corrugated plate, mirror with Champaign gold, rusty copper plate, bronze-coloured fluorocarbon paint, texture paint, blue mirror, grey mirror, oak veneer,reflectafloat glass,solid wood, silver foil, decking

  Louis Club locates in a pub street of central area (Siming district) of Xiamen. Xiamen· Louis Club founded in 2009 and developed tens of chains in the recreational center of Xiamen.

  With the concept of being a avant-garde, posh and international entertainment space, Newera Design takes charge of renovation project. Designers apply free style rather than following the traditional forms, which refers to present post-modern style with creative design, and achieve a luxury and unique space with the custom-built plan.

  Arrangement of point line and surface develop the depth of the lobby. Lighting and sound effects bring Louis Club emotive atmosphere: symmetry, perspective, and intersection of lighting break the original levels and movements; the First well-known Britain brand stereo equipment provide customers enjoyment of hearing; intelligent LED screens create multidimensional spaces.

  The style of rooms and corridors is relatively luxury than lobby. Hard but elegant “Iron Art” is the theme factor of the whole decoration. Newera Design applies traditional elements to build a modern space with simple lines and dark colours that present a sense of ritual. The conflict of different materials and texture makes the space be more creative and vivid.

  Newera Design builds a new Louis Club, which provides a unique entertainment space as well as imaginations of nightlife.

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