新冶组陈武:江门JSpace酒吧 娱乐空间的风向标 - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
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新冶组陈武:江门JSpace酒吧 娱乐空间的风向标

来源:中装新网时间:2015-11-11 13:07:49 评论 分享


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  参与设计:吴家煌 、林亚春




  项目地址: 广东省江门市北新区发展大道名冠金凯悦




  JSpace 的DJ台是其中的亮点所在:全亚洲最大开放式环形show台、精心选配国际知名品牌音响系统,国际顶级移动立体矩阵灯光系统,搭载正反巨型高保真LED显示屏,不仅给了DJ一个完美的表演空间,更给消费者一个刺激的体验空间。



  Chief Designer: Chen Wu

  Designers: Wu Jiahuang and Lin Yachun

  Completion Time: 12/20/2014

  Gross Area: 1900㎡

  Total Investment: ¥20,000,000

  Project Address: Gladden Hotel, Development Road, Beixin District, Jiangmen, Guangdong

  Main materials: gold brown, ashlar brick, jazz white, dark coffee fluorocarbon paint, art paint, mosaic, stainless steel

  JSpace locates in the city center. It is a top entertainment place in Asia and plays a significant role to combine nightlife culture and economy. The new design concept would lead the trend of entertainment places.

  The Chinese top entertainment company has cooperated with national famous entertainment space designers’ team and spent one year to build JSpace. Designers bring the notion of architectural style of world landmarks into this project, which develops different levels of the space in a modern way.

  The stage of DJ mixer is the highlight of the project: designers apply the Asian biggest open annular stage, international well-known brand stereo equipment, the developed mobile three-dimensional matrix lighting system, and double-faced huge Hi-Fi LED screen into it. Thus, not only would DJ perform freely on the stage, but also could customers experience a fantasy entertainment space.

  Part from DJ mixer stage, the first seasonal heated indoor pool in entertainment space in China; the creative indoor waterscape in Asia; consist the distinguish hardware of JSpace. Furthermore, JSpace has the most professional service and management, which make it become the top club in Jiangmen.

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