咏义设计刘荣禄作品:中悦苏公馆 框景之美 - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
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咏义设计刘荣禄作品:中悦苏公馆 框景之美

来源:中装新网作者:刘荣禄等时间:2015-10-08 14:15:10 评论 分享


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  1. 设计案名: 中悦苏公馆

  2. 设计单位: 咏义设计股份有限公司

  3. 主要设计者:刘荣禄、周亭萱

  4. 空间性质: 住宅空间

  5. 空间面积(㎡): 122坪 403平方米

  6. 主要建材: 橡木染灰、橡木喷白、卡拉拉白、人造石、清玻璃、墨镜、茶镜、皮革、梧桐木

  7. 座落位置(详细地址或所在区域): 新竹市

  8. 摄影师: Sam





  Framing View- Su Residence

  The home embodies the memories and sentiments of our lives. The client of this house is an avid art collector. The paintings displayed throughout the house provide a vista into different scenes of his life. Art and living are intertwined in one perfect synergy.

  Fueled with creative energy the designer envisioned the structure and form of the stairs to be an installation art that is suspended in space. It is a sculpture that connects space to the artworks and provides the space gradations. The opaque mass and the transparent glass create a juxtaposition of solid and void, substance and lightness. With modern lines, it provides the best backdrop and stage for the grand piano.

  The low key and humble spirit of the literati are like the natural material and lines of the marble, immersed in the man-made lines of the space. Through the parabolic cuts and the transparent and translucent visual lines of the living room and dining room, the space is enriched with layering and meaning. Light, refractions, lines and curves dance elegantly in a spatial choreography. They are like whispers in space that gently pass by, at times reinforce and interact with each other, at times turning and converging, transitioning between solid and void, light and darkness. The space is embedded with different materials, wood veneer and stones. The matted and polished surfaces complement each other. Through the transformation of textures, all of these elements come together to make a splendid spatial storyline for the owner.

  (感谢OPEN Design 动能开启传媒 http://www.openworld.tv/ 荐稿)

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