盛利作品:环亚广场办公空间设计 - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
设计 > 设计作品 > 盛利作品:环亚广场办公空间设计


来源:中装新网时间:2015-04-20 10:20:24 评论 分享

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  This project is a interior design work for an outdoor trading company. Because of the restrictions on its original space size and spatial morphological, the whole space appears very cramped. In order to make the internal space fit better the company's office concept "free, dynamic, creative", "interstellar space" idea guiding, the designer uses nonlinear design elements to segment and re surround boldly the original boxy space, thus creating a interstellar space like the cosmos, which also opens up numerous possibilities.

  The conference room is the highlight of the project, the designer uses the traditional Chinese theory of Changes, makes Tai Chi figure running as the main element from the conference room in the center, through the open office area, leisure area and the general manager's office. Such an unconventional, nonstandard space layout standard, which amplifies visual interior space, as well as shortens the distance between people.

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