查槿设计作品:吾牛寿喜烧日式火锅店 - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
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来源:中装新网时间:2019-10-25 14:21:25 评论 分享

Following the overall Japanese style, with "spring and soup" as the theme, wood, stone, mountain and other elements are brought in to become the entrance logo of the hotpot restaurant.

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Wu Niu Shouxi Burns Japanese Hot Pot Restaurant

Following the overall Japanese style, with "spring and soup" as the theme, wood, stone, mountain and other elements are brought in to become the entrance logo of the hotpot restaurant. Open the gate of the restaurant and you will see a theme wall decorated with cows, dead wood, Weishan, pots, etc. The light box with paper lanterns is used to emphasize the restaurant's meaning of "cooking in the mountains".

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