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来源:中装新网时间:2019-10-25 14:04:33 评论 分享

With the gradual shift of real business to a consumer-oriented "emotional relationship era", member centers have begun to have independent scenes and actively create more opportunities to connect with consumers.

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    Design Description of Kyushu New World Membership Center

With the gradual shift of real business to a consumer-oriented "emotional relationship era", member centers have begun to have independent scenes and actively create more opportunities to connect with consumers. Among the numerous scene shaping cases, the new generation of "sharing joy" service experiential member centers has led to a new proposition of the scene revolution of member centers: paying attention to the individual growth of cities. The space of this case is located on the 4th floor. In its designed scene, the member center has evolved into a shared space with temperature, participation and connection with individual growth needs. Behind every scene innovation of the member center, a shopping center deeply restores its positioning concept. Advocating that "no courses are offered here, only the genuine curiosity of children exploring the world is exchanged". At this point, the scenario planning of this case forms a complete scheme: providing member value-added services; Open to all and share reading, share the enrichment of knowledge growth; The shared rest space is not limited in function, not limited in function, but only shares the pleasure that comes with the pleasure.









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