古典文艺复兴神话中的意式手工冰激凌店——CIAO丨物唯设计 - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
设计 > 设计作品 > 古典文艺复兴神话中的意式手工冰激凌店——CIAO丨物唯设计


来源:中装新网作者:物唯设计时间:2018-07-20 11:13:19 评论 分享

这里就不得不提到由物唯设计操刀的上海最具现代感,同时又可以让人沉浸在古典文艺复兴神话中的意式手工冰激凌店 — CIAO。

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  对于甜品爱好者来说,如果能在有生之年开一间甜品店就心满意足了,不禁让人想到近年来的热播美剧《破产女孩》中,Caroline 和 Max 的极具美式风格的蛋糕店。那么,如果上帝委托大卫告诉你打造一间有品位的意大利手工冰激凌店的设计秘密,你想不想一起去细细聆听,一探究竟?这里就不得不提到由物唯设计操刀的上海最具现代感,同时又可以让人沉浸在古典文艺复兴神话中的意式手工冰激凌店 — CIAO。

  For dessert lovers, anyone would be satisfied if they would be able to open a dessert shop in the living years just like "2 Broke Girls" on CBS channel, more or less, other than the Caroline and Max's classic American cupcake style. So, what if the God has commissioned David to tell you the secret of designing a fantasy Gelato shop , would you be willing to hear by heart?There will be mentioned here about one of the most popular Gelato shop in Shanghai — Ciao. Designed by Avori Design with the most modern concept while immersing in the classical Renaissance myth in the dessert world.


  项目地址:上海南京西路 金鹰百货一楼




  摄影:Mathias Guillin

  Project name: CIAO

  Project add: Nanjing Road (W) Shanghai

  Art director: Li Ruoyu

  Project completion time: Aug. 2017

  Project area: 40 square meters

  Photography video: Mathias Guillin

  物唯设计团队设计总监李若愚巧妙地将冰激凌甜筒的造型做为灵感源,从而生发出一系列与之相呼应,相补充的设计风格。有人说 Gelato(意式冰激凌)是意大利的艺术,有人认为 Gelato 是意大利的诱惑,无论怎样表述,不容置疑的是,Gelato 绝对是意大利的甜品代表。因此,作为一家冰激凌店的灵魂所在,将 Gelato 幻化成室内设计的一部分,成为这里的生命之光就显得尤为重要。

  The chief designer from Avori Design, Ruoyu Li, leading the team gave the birth to a series of design echoes and complement inspired by the shape of an ice-cream cone. Some people say that Gelato is the art of Italy, while the others think that Gelato is the temptation of Italy, no matter how they love it, there is no doubt that Gelato is absolutely one of the most popular representatives of the Italian desserts. Thus it is extraordinary fantastic and as well as particularly important to transform Gelato into part of the interior design.

  设计团队以体现 CIAO 的经典冰激凌系列为原型,将其从立体视觉转化输出为平面的几何结构,并从中提取出与蛋筒造型相近的三角图形为设计基础,通过黑白双色的拼接组合,来打造一个极具现代风格的立面墙体。

  Designers have chosen one classic ice-cream cone from CIAO series for the prototype, then converted it from the stereoscopic vision into a planar geometry, and from which the designers extracted the graphic shape that similar to the triangle cone for the foundation part. Through black and white stitching combination to create a very modern style of the facade wall.

  通过氛围光源营造出一种神秘而错落,丰富又简约的品牌视觉标签。黑色的三角形片被设计摆放成 CIAO 的品牌标示,简约的黑白配色与三角形几何立体墙面构造出鲜明的视觉效果。边缘立面墙则以碎花式分布的双色三角形瓷砖铺陈纹理,犹如哥特式的米兰大教堂的花窗玻璃,碎片式地造就了犹如身在教堂内部时的神秘灿烂感觉。

  The lights created a mysterious and scattered atmosphere which enriched and simplified the brand visual label, and the black triangular pieces puzzled the CIAO's brand logo.The black and white color made the triangular geometric three-dimensional wall created a distinctive brand vision.The facade wall at the edge is covered by two-color triangular tiles which make people have the association of the stained glasses in the Gothic Cathedral windows in Milan. The debris seems to have created a mysterious inside scene.

  味道是最说不清楚的,味道不能写只能闻,要你身临其境去闻才能明了。CIAO 的存在,为我们带来了许多身份认同的时刻,不论你是意式手工冰激凌的粉丝,还是意式咖啡的狂热分子,都可以在这里找到属于自己的身份标签。当我们身处于如此敞亮的空间中,迎面而来的是一种强烈紧凑,但又令人感到舒适的被包裹感。这都要归功于其内部空间的搭建与分隔。

  Taste is something you can only feel from your experience, therefore, it only comes to be vivid when you are involved, and CIAO brings us a lot of identities. Whether you are Gelato fans, or Italian coffee fanatics, there is always an identity tag belongs to you here. When we are in such a bright space, a strong sense of unity and unexpectedly comfortable feeling wrapped us from each corner, which is all due to the internal space design and construction.


  Interior Space Design

  L型结构的空间营造出现代氛围中的条理细节,由冰激凌区域与咖啡区域双向交织而重合的空间恰巧形成了第三种身份的归属领地 —— 顾客体验区。物唯设计团队的设计师们深谙欧洲文化的精神,基于意大利特有的设计理念 —— 在压力持续增长的当代,咖啡馆与冰激凌店的桌椅空间已经不仅仅只是提供一个休息和放置物品的场域,它还意味着恢复失落的情绪,和提供一个舒适的心灵避难所。

  L-type structure space created a modern atmosphere with the details of the lines. The ice-cream area and the coffee area formed a two-way intertwined space which happened to be the third identity attribution territory - customer experience area. The designers are well versed in the spirit of European culture, thus based on the unique design concept on the Italian heritage - in terms of the growing pressure of modern society, the furnitures in the cafe or ice-cream shop not only provide a rest place, it also means to restore the lost mood, and to provide a comfortable haven.


  Designer Li Ruoyu and his team emerged the essence of Italian furniture into the ascendant of Chinese design, especially in the customer experience area which has been fully extended the Milan modern style - more straight lines have been applied in the design. Not only the cabinet, but also the sofa and the table are also applied with straight lines, which presented a simple shape with philosophical meaning far beyond the furnitures usages.


  Black and white are the representative of the modern color, together with the commonly used gray, beige and other pure colors without printing have brought us a sense of serenity with calm and restrained. Wood and leather are the main fundamental materials in a modern style furniture, you can also see the new materials, such as aluminum, carbon fiber, plastic, etc, which added a variety of possibilities to the design and functions. Milan modern style is exquisite and simple, revealing a strong sense of design, it is always in a minimalist modern shape but there contains a very noble temperament.

  在 CIAO 的世界里,有着缤纷美味的意式手工冰激凌,温暖的寒冷看似违背了字面的中文逻辑性,但却是一种妙不可言的感受,犹如在味蕾中绽放的冰淇淋盛宴,柔顺稠密的口感,丝丝顺滑,蕴含着不息的渴望与绝美的沉淀。而比这更加妙不可言的事,当属物唯设计的设计师们在空间中打造的穹顶壁画。你可曾想过在西斯廷教堂里吃着 Gelato 是什么样的心情和感觉?你或许可以和米开朗琪罗,拉斐尔展开一场跨越时空的对话。

  In the world of CIAO, there are colorful and delicious Italian handmade ice- creams. The warmth cold seems to violate the literal Chinese logic, but it could be a wonderful feeling. When ice-cream feast blooming in the buds, soft and dense taste with the slightest smooth, containing the endless desire and beautiful precipitation. The even more fantastic thing happening in the Gelato shop is the dome murals decorated by the Avori Design team. Have you ever thought about the mood and feeling of eating Gelato in the Sistine Chapel? You may be able to meet with Michelangelo and Raphael and begin a dialogue across time and space.


  The "Renaissance" are familiar to those who love Italian culture. One day, if you back to the age of Renaissance , perhaps you could really take the chance to pursue and explore human natures tirelessly with poet laureates and scholars. Immersed in a strong artistic atmosphere and romantic feelings is a wonderful experience which is all due to the recognition and understanding of the Tuscan style by the design team. Exquisite beautiful murals dome did not give a sense of distant distance, instead, there is flashing with the human wisdom.

  在这里,你会发现设计师非常传神地将托斯卡纳传统风格完美地复刻过来,没有其它古典宫廷风格的富丽堂皇,它更像是一种民间艺术的升华具有平易近人的造型和亲切柔和的线条感。在浮雕与纹理之间,所追求的是艺术、自然、优雅的设计理念,有的只是并不浮夸的装饰纹案,却让我们在品尝 Gelato 之余,感到无与伦比的优雅与恬静。

  Here you will find the designers perfectly engraved over the Tuscan style. With a close look of the shape and cordial soft sense of the lines, it is more like a sublimation of folk art instead of the classical court style of magnificent. Between the relief and texture, the design concept of pursuing art, nature and elegance has been reflected. Despite of the exaggerated decorative pattern, we would lose ourselves in the flavor of Gelato and enjoy unparalleled elegance and tranquility.

  Gelato 不仅仅是口味与造型能够摄人心魂,更令人心生向往的是意大利人的一些生活美学与性情中的热情与随意,阳光甜蜜,富有创意。就像是《罗马假日》中,赫本坐在西班牙广场上的甜蜜幸福感如同她手中的 Gelato,派克也一如既往地深爱着她。如此能够安慰人心的情景,丝柔顺滑的甜蜜情感,当你刚步入 CIAO 时就已经无法摆脱了。

  People are not just fascinated by the flavor and shape of Gelato, and it is more desirable for the Italian life aesthetics and charm temperament. The silky smooth sweet feelings with the charming love story, just like the scene in "Roman Holiday", Hepburn sat on the Spanish square happily with Gelato in her hands, and Peck by side. You've already been part of the love story when you firstly entered CIAO.


  Avori Design team made a tribute to those legendary Italian designers. CIAO has both a classic and a modern character, and the art and function combined very closely in the space. Sometimes the design turned out to be simple, but elegance maintained. They are the leader of the trend and they regard design as an interpretation, with the approach of mixing and matching of art and philosophical concept. They never forget the design of people-oriented purpose while meeting the needs of the users and their application. This is the life aesthetics we are looking for.







  Ruoyu Li has lived in France for 8 years, having obtained the Master of Arts, Ruoyu has taught Ecole superieure d’art de Brest at France .

  In 2013, Ruoyu founded Avori Design and served as the studio director, leading the team participating in numerous creative property development projects.

  During leisure time, Ruoyu love to enjoy movie and wine.

  Design philosophy - design is a way of thinking, it is philosophical and poetic.

  物唯设计 —— 一个兼具脑洞和艺术性的创意设计团队。




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