DHA香港洪德成设计丨前海东岸花园7D户型样板房 - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
设计 > 设计作品 > DHA香港洪德成设计丨前海东岸花园7D户型样板房


来源:中装新网时间:2018-03-16 15:29:15 评论 分享

时尚乃永恒的话题,也是彰显个性之所在。可可·香奈儿说过, “想要做到不可替代,你就必须与众不同”。

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  项目名称:前海东岸花园1C , 7B ,7D户型样板房



  参与设计师: 蒋莹、张人凡

  装置陈设: 装典装饰公司


  项目面积:90平方米(1C), 89平方米(7B), 127平方米(7D)



  项目建筑面积约90平米。时尚乃永恒的话题,也是彰显个性之所在。可可·香奈儿说过, “想要做到不可替代,你就必须与众不同”。通过对时尚的全新解读,设计师运用“少即是多”的原则诠释不一样的时尚。整个空间浑然一体,简洁、圆滑流畅的线条贯穿室内空间,给人带来沐风般的自然气息。极简风家具,处处体现出设计的智慧及人文精神,设计师不走寻常路,将沙发巧妙地嵌入茶几,格子柜不再是方方正正的设计,每一层都有优美的弧线转折。巧妙的收纳成为设计的又一大亮点:客厅的柜体、书房的床榻,以及卧室电视背景墙,不一而足。





  Project Name: Qianhai East Coast Garden 1C , 7B , 7D Show Flat

  Design Company: Dickson Hung Associates Design Consultants (www.dhd.hk)

  Chief Designer: Dickson Hung

  Design team: Jiang Ying, Zhang Renfan

  Soft Decoration: Zhuangdian Decoration Co., Ltd.

  Project Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

  Project Area: 90 m2(1C), 89 m2(7B), 127 m2(7D)

  Completion Time: June, 2016

  Curves enlarge minimalist space|1C Show Flat

  The construction area of this project is about 90 square meters. Fashion is an eternal topic, and it is also a manifestation of characteristic. Coco Chanel said, "In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different." Through a new understanding of fashion, the designers used the principle of "less is more" to interpret a different kind of fashion. The whole space is unified with concise, smooth and fluent lines running through the interior, bringing a refreshing and natural breath. The minimalist furniture reflects the wisdom of design and humanistic spirit everywhere. By thinking differently, the designers embedded a tea table into the sofa, and applied irregular cabinets which have graceful arcs. The storage design is another highlight, the cabinets of the living room, the bed of the study room and the TV wall of the bedroom and others are ingenious.

  Zen abstracts oriental charm|7B Show Flat

  With a building area of about 89 square meters, this project takes modern Chinese style as the keynote and deduces a living space with Chinese characteristics. There is a view in Western design circles that "without Chinese elements, there is no noble atmosphere," which shows the extraordinary charm of Chinese style. The designers cleverly used peacock blue, yellowish brown, lemon yellow and other colors to incorporate the spirit of Chinese style, and also highlight the flexibility of modern style. In the process of extracting Chinese elements, they replaced complicated typical patterns and graphics with those that represent Chinese style's spiritual characteristics of being dignified, gorgeous, implicative and elegant, and strengthened such features with textured materials. The simplified Chinese style flower arrangement, tables and chairs show a more intense noble and comfortable feeling.

  Gold interprets famine mature|7D Show Flat

  The building area of 7D Show Flat is around 127 square meters. Coco Chanel once said, "I want to be a part of the future", it was her ambition and forethought that created the unique brand Chanel. The designers introduced female's softness, stubbornness and uninhibitedness into this design so as to create an exclusive living space for females. The clever color matching visually makes the space warm and appealing; in terms of furniture and decorations, they selected soft and colorful materials as many as possible to collocate and embellish the space. The bedroom's background wall is decorated with carving flowers, such combination of Chinese and Western elements suddenly brightens people's eyes, and accords with the whole atmosphere of the space.

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