华墨国际设计丨《盗梦空间》融创·清远美林湖·湖滨首府样板房 - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
设计 > 设计作品 > 华墨国际设计丨《盗梦空间》融创·清远美林湖·湖滨首府样板房


来源:中装新网作者:华墨国际设计时间:2018-01-08 11:06:03 评论 分享


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  There is a scene in inception, and the hero asks his little disciple in the dream: you can't really remember the beginning of a dream, it's always a dream, isn't it?


  This modern style model house takes inspiration from inception and the location of the show. Indoor color with hard outfit is fundamental key with white, partially used, blue-gray, yellow and white fabric passed a mystical fantasy, tie-in natural walnut furniture, decoration of careful thinking. Make the entire indoor streamlining like a film in the air, making you appear to be in it.


  Dining-room and sitting room is the space of the two parts of a whole, restaurants serve as adornment picture, and the sitting room is the same as color but different lightness of eat chair with materials, namely the difference between the functional space, and be in harmony in the whole.


  The city building line that the living room decorates a picture to be straight to the cloud, with carpet the clouds that appear to appear to be in each other, this is the place that stylist has an ulterior motive.


  The bedroom is quiet and elegant style,Feel comfortable.


  People pay attention to design, not only because of their abstract art presentation, but also to different users living state to build the core. According to the changes made by different environment, the emotional response, the dialogue with the soul, and the use of light, wind and other elements to create vitality, only so, the space has a 'standard' consciousness and touches the soul.


  Project Name: Merrill Lynch Lakefront Capital A-4units


  Total area: 92㎡


  Soft installed implementation unit: Shenzhen Huamo International Design Co., Ltd.

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