台湾聿和设计尤哒唯丨美味关系 - 设计作品 - 中装新网-中国建筑装饰协会官方网站
设计 > 设计作品 > 台湾聿和设计尤哒唯丨美味关系


来源:中装新网时间:2017-12-25 10:11:00 评论 分享


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  Title: Culinary Home

  Main Materials: deep-relief sen wood, fir, iron, stainless steel, glass, quartz tile,

  wooden floor.

  The design of this urban home celebrates the love of culinary. To have a large U-shaped kitchen, perfectly accommodating the home chef’s movements, a bedroom was removed. Anchoring the dining table to the center, the kitchen island’s shelf displays the client’s collection of pots and pans and doubles as the hallway screen to welcome the guests. A cabinet of beautiful wood grains is the warm backdrop in the living-dining zone.Light-colored wood veneers and tiles balance the kitchen’s sharpness.

  Furthermore, the showcase which composed with steels, glasses and woods combined with stainless linear island kitchen, goes from kitchen to dining area and entrance. Moreover, since the showcase which shows the collection of hosts precious pots and also has the function of connection of kitchen and dining area becomes as the main wall of dining area, the fantastic process of the conversation with foods, spaces and family just likes you are cooking in the Michelin restaurant and having a delicious meal in the private club after.

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