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李星霖&何晓平精英 来源:中装新网

  C.DD | 尺道设计事务所

  尺 -- 衡量心中美的一把尺

  道 -- 理解设计的一种哲学

  由李星霖先生和何晓平女士,于2009年共同创立了尺道设计 (C.DD),始终坚持“设计不单只是一种生产服务,更是一种思维方式与生活态度”的价值理念。

  C.DD开拓了集建筑设计、空间设计、工程施工、陈设艺术及品牌视觉等多领域互通有无的设计实现平台,以 “构筑心灵舞台,专注最高品质设计与服务,研究及挖掘有趣、有意义、有价值的设计”作为公司的发展核心,并将其贯穿于整个创造、制作、运营和服务工作中。


  APIDA亚太区室内设计大奖 购物空间|铜奖

  CIID中国室内设计大奖赛 银奖


  时代楼盘“金盘奖”最佳示范单位 银奖

  上海国际室内设计“金外滩”奖 最佳商业空间奖|居住空间奖


  中国室内设计艺术周场外展 铜奖

  广州国际设计周 – 城市设计名片(佛山代表)

  IFI国际室内设计大赛办公类 银奖

  中国陈设艺术设计大奖赛 原创设计|最佳色彩奖

  佛山室内设计 “15年·15人”荣誉


  ■ 李星霖 | 喜欢总结生活中的不同乐趣,力图打破固有模式,综合理性和感性的思维从不同角度寻求创新可能,让人感受不同的设计体验。

  ■ 何晓平 | 设计是一种理念、价值、生活方式的传播。它没有固定的形式,好的设计应该在满足功能之余产生情感与趣味,这是我们为之动容的使命。


  C(Chi) -- a ruler measures the beauty in our heart

  D(Dao) -- a kind of philosophy of understanding design

  Mr LI Xing-Lin and Miss HE Xiao-Ping co-founded C.DD in 2009. It always adheres to the concept of “Design is not only a kind of production service, but also a way of thinking and an attitude towards life”. The team develops multi-disciplinary services, including architecture design, space design, engineering construction, art of display and brand vision design services. The opinion “to build the theater of the mind and to realize our shared dream; to focus on providing top quality design and service to create the greatest value for clients; to research and explore interesting, meaningful and valuable design” is regarded as the core of development of the company. And this opinion penetrates throughout its creation, production, operation and service.


  Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards - Shopping Space - Bronze Award

  CIID China Interior Design Award - Silver Award

  Modern Decoration International Media Award - Annual Show flat Award

  Times House Magazine “KINPAN Award” - Best Show flat Award - Silver Award

  Shanghai International Interior Design “Golden Bund Award” - Best Commercial Space Award and Best Residential Space Award

  Foshan Interior Design “10 Years · Top 10 Designers”

  CIID Open Show - Bronze Award

  Guangzhou Design Week - Design Elite (Foshan)

  IFI International Interior Design Award - Office Space Design - Silver Award

  China Interior Display Award - Original Design-Award for Best Application of Color

  Foshan Interior Design “15 Years · Top 15 Designers”

  【Founders / Chief Designers】

  LI Xing-Lin - Love to summarize different kinds of fun in life, attempt to break the stereotype and to seek for innovation possibilities from different angles through comprehensive use of rational and perceptual thinking in order to bring people different experience of design.

  HE Xiao-Ping - design is to spread some kind of idea, value and lifestyle. It has no fixed form, and good designs should create emotions and fun while meeting functional needs; that is why we are crazy about design.

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